Source code for pathme.wikipathways.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module has utilities method for parsing, handling WikiPathways RDF and data."""

import logging
import os
import re
import zipfile
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import networkx as nx
from bio2bel_hgnc import Manager as HgncManager
from bio2bel_wikipathways import Manager as WikiPathwaysManager
from pybel import BELGraph

from ..constants import (
from ..export_utils import get_paths_in_folder


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def evaluate_wikipathways_metadata(metadata: Union[str, Set[str]]) -> str: """Evaluate metadata in wikipathways and return the string representation.""" if isinstance(metadata, set): return ','.join(metadata) return metadata
def _get_update_alias_symbol( hgnc_manager: HgncManager, original_identifier: str, original_namespace: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Try to get current alias symbol. :param hgnc_manager: hgnc manager :param original_identifier: :param original_namespace: """ query_result = hgnc_manager.get_hgnc_from_alias_symbol(original_identifier) if not query_result: log.debug('No found HGNC Symbol for id %s in (%s)', original_identifier, original_namespace) return original_namespace, original_identifier, original_identifier return HGNC, query_result.symbol, query_result.identifier def _validate_query( hgnc_manager: HgncManager, query_result, original_identifier: str, original_namespace: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Process and validate HGNC query. :param hgnc_manager: hgnc manager :param query_result: :param original_identifier: :param original_namespace: """ # If invalid entry from HGNC, try to find updated symbol if not query_result and original_namespace == HGNC: return _get_update_alias_symbol(hgnc_manager, original_identifier, HGNC) # Invalid entry, proceed with invalid identifier if not query_result: log.debug('No found HGNC Symbol for id %s in (%s)', original_identifier, original_namespace) return original_namespace, original_identifier, original_identifier # Multiple entries are returned, for UniProt identifiers if isinstance(query_result, list): if len(query_result) > 1: log.debug('UniProt identifier with multiple HGNC:s %s', query_result) query_result = query_result[0] # Correct entry, use HGNC identifier return HGNC, query_result.symbol, query_result.identifier
[docs]def get_valid_gene_identifier(node_ids_dict, hgnc_manager: HgncManager, pathway_id) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Return protein/gene identifier for a given RDF node. :param dict node_ids_dict: node dictionary :param hgnc_manager: hgnc manager :return: namespace, name, identifier """ # Try to get hgnc symbol if 'bdb_hgncsymbol' in node_ids_dict or 'hgnc' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: if 'hgnc' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_hgnc_id(node_ids_dict['identifier']) if not hgnc_entry: hgnc_symbol = node_ids_dict['name'] else: hgnc_symbol = hgnc_entry.symbol else: hgnc_symbol = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['bdb_hgncsymbol'], 'bdb_hgncsymbol', pathway_id) hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_hgnc_symbol(hgnc_symbol) return _validate_query(hgnc_manager, hgnc_entry, hgnc_symbol, HGNC) # Try to get ENTREZ id elif 'bdb_ncbigene' in node_ids_dict or 'ncbiprotein' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: if 'bdb_ncbigene' in node_ids_dict: entrez_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['bdb_ncbigene'], 'bdb_ncbigene', pathway_id) elif 'ncbiprotein' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: entrez_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'ncbiprotein', pathway_id) else: raise ValueError('Missing entrez gene identifier [pathway={}]'.format(pathway_id)) hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_entrez_id(entrez_id) return _validate_query(hgnc_manager, hgnc_entry, entrez_id, ENTREZ) # Try to get UniProt id elif 'bdb_uniprot' in node_ids_dict: uniprot_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['bdb_uniprot'], 'bdb_uniprot', pathway_id) hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_uniprot_id(uniprot_id) return _validate_query(hgnc_manager, hgnc_entry, uniprot_id, UNIPROT) # Try to get ENSEMBL id elif 'bdb_ensembl' in node_ids_dict or 'ena.embl' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: if 'bdb_ensembl' in node_ids_dict: ensembl_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['bdb_ensembl'], 'bdb_ensembl', pathway_id) elif 'ena.embl' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: ensembl_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'bdb_ensembl', pathway_id) else: raise ValueError('Missing ensemble identifier [pathway={}]'.format(pathway_id)) hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_uniprot_id(ensembl_id) return _validate_query(hgnc_manager, hgnc_entry, ensembl_id, ENSEMBL) elif 'ec-code' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: ec_number = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'ec-code', pathway_id) return EXPASY, ec_number, ec_number # Only wikipathways identifier is given elif 'bdb_wikidata' in node_ids_dict: name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'wikidata', pathway_id) # Find out whether the name is a valid HGNC symbol hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_hgnc_symbol(name) # Correct entry, use HGNC identifier if hgnc_entry: return HGNC, hgnc_entry.symbol, hgnc_entry.identifier log.debug('Adding WikiPathways node %s (%s)', name, WIKIPATHWAYS) return WIKIPATHWAYS, name, name elif WIKIPEDIA.lower() in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: wiki_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'wikipedia_id', pathway_id) wiki_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'wikipedia_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding Wikipedia node %s (%s)', wiki_name, WIKIPATHWAYS) return WIKIPEDIA, wiki_name, wiki_id elif KEGG.lower() in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: kegg_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'kegg_id', pathway_id) kegg_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'kegg_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding KEGG node %s ', kegg_id) return KEGG, kegg_name, kegg_id elif INTERPRO.lower() in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: interpro_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'interpro_id', pathway_id) interpro_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'interpro_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding InterPro node %s ', interpro_id) return INTERPRO, interpro_name, interpro_id elif PFAM.lower() in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: pfam_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'pfam_id', pathway_id) pfam_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'pfam_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding Pfam node %s ', pfam_id) return PFAM, pfam_name, pfam_id elif 'mirbase.mature' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: mirbase_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'mirbase_id', pathway_id) mirbase_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'mirbase_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding miRBase node %s ', mirbase_id) return MIRBASE, mirbase_name, mirbase_id elif 'chembl.compound' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: chembl_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'chembl_id', pathway_id) chembl_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'chembl_name', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding ChEMBL node %s ', chembl_id) return CHEMBL, chembl_name, chembl_id elif 'brenda' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: brenda_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'brenda', pathway_id) brenda_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'brenda', pathway_id) log.debug('Adding BRENDA node %s ', brenda_id) return BRENDA, brenda_name, brenda_id elif 'insdc' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: indsc_id = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['identifier'], 'insdc', pathway_id) indsc_name = check_multiple(node_ids_dict['name'], 'insdc', pathway_id) return HGNC, indsc_name, indsc_id # Nodes from reactome pointing to a gene elif 'reactome' in node_ids_dict['uri_id']: return REACTOME, node_ids_dict['name'], node_ids_dict['identifier'] raise Exception('Unknown identifier for node %s', node_ids_dict)
MULTIPLE_RE = re.compile('^[A-Z0-9]+$')
[docs]def check_multiple(element, element_name, pathway_id): """Check whether element is iterable. :param element: variable to check :param element_name: name to print :return: """ if isinstance(element, (set, list)): log.debug('Multiple values for "{}": {} [{}]'.format(element_name, element, pathway_id.split('/')[-1])) # TODO: print the WikiPathways bps that return a set because they are probably wrong. if len(element) == 1: return list(element)[0] if len(element) > 1: for subelement in element: if MULTIPLE_RE.match(subelement): return subelement return list(element)[0] log.debug('Empty list/set %s', element) return element
[docs]def merge_two_dicts(dict1, dict2): """Merge two dictionaries. :param dict dict1: :param dict dict2: :returns: merged_dict :rtype: dict """ merged_dict = dict1.copy() # start with x's keys and values merged_dict.update(dict2) # modifies z with y's keys and values & returns None return merged_dict
[docs]def convert_to_nx( nodes: Dict[str, Dict], interactions: List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]], pathway_info: Dict, ) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Generate a NetworkX Graph from a network data structure (dict with nodes and edges). :param nodes: Node id as keys and Node attributes as values :param interactions: list of interactions :param pathway_info: pathway info dictionary """ graph = nx.MultiDiGraph(graph_att=pathway_info) for node, attributes in nodes.items(): graph.add_node(node, attr_dict=attributes) for subj, obj, interaction in interactions: graph.add_edge(subj, obj, attr=interaction) return graph
[docs]def debug_pathway_info(bel_graph: BELGraph, pathway_path, **kwargs): """Debug information about the pathway graph representation. :param pybel.BELGraph bel_graph: bel graph :param str pathway_path: path of the pathway """ log.debug('Pathway id: {}'.format(os.path.basename(pathway_path))) pathway_name = log.debug('Pathway Name: {}'.format(pathway_name)) bel_nodes = bel_graph.number_of_nodes() bel_edges = bel_graph.number_of_edges() log.debug('Nodes imported to BEL: %s', bel_nodes) log.debug('Edges imported to BEL: %s', format(bel_edges)) if 'statistics' in kwargs: statistics = kwargs.get('statistics') log.debug('RDF Nodes statistics: %', format(statistics['RDF nodes'])) log.debug('RDF Edges statistics: %', format(statistics['RDF interactions']))
[docs]def debug_global_statistics(global_statistics): """Debug pathway statistics. :param dict global_statistics: pathway statistics """ for statistics_type, rdf_types in global_statistics.items(): log.debug('Total statistics for %s', statistics_type) for rdf_type, value in rdf_types.items(): log.debug('%s: %s', rdf_type, value)
"""Download utilities"""
[docs]def get_file_name_from_url(url: str) -> str: """Get the last part of an URL.""" return url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
[docs]def unzip_file(file_path: str, export_folder: str): """Unzip file into a destination folder. :param file_path: name of the file :param export_folder: name of the file """ zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(export_folder) zip_ref.close()
[docs]def filter_wikipathways_files(file_names: Iterable[str]) -> List[str]: """Filter files that have not 'ttl' extension or not start with 'WP'.""" return [ file_name for file_name in file_names if file_name.startswith('WP') and file_name.endswith('.ttl') ]
[docs]def iterate_wikipathways_paths( directory: str, connection: Optional[str] = None, only_canonical: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: """Get WikiPathways RDF files in folder. :param directory: folder path :param connection: database connection :param only_canonical: only identifiers present in WP bio2bel db """ if not os.path.exists(directory): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{directory} does not exist. Please ensure you have downloaded WikiPathways using ' f'the "pathme wikipathways download" command or you have passed the right argument.' ) paths = get_paths_in_folder(directory) # Filter files in folder that have no turtle extension or do not start with 'WP' paths = filter_wikipathways_files(paths) # Skip files not present in wikipathways bio2bel db -> stuffs from reactome and so on... if only_canonical: wikipathways_manager = WikiPathwaysManager(connection) if not wikipathways_manager.is_populated(): wikipathways_manager.populate() wikipathways_identifiers = { pathway.resource_id for pathway in wikipathways_manager.get_all_pathways() } paths = [ path for path in paths if path.split('.')[0] in wikipathways_identifiers ] return paths