Source code for pathme.wikipathways.rdf_sparql

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the methods that run SPARQL queries to create the WikiPathways Graphs."""

import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple

import bio2bel_hgnc
import rdflib
import tqdm
from pybel import BELGraph, to_pickle
from rdflib.namespace import DC, DCTERMS, Namespace, RDF, RDFS

from pathme.utils import get_pathway_statitics, parse_rdf, query_result_to_dict
from pathme.wikipathways.convert_to_bel import convert_to_bel
from pathme.wikipathways.utils import debug_pathway_info

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: SPARQL prefixes.
    'wp': Namespace(''),
    'rdfs': RDFS,
    'rdf': RDF,
    'dcterms': DCTERMS,
    'dc': DC,
    'hgnc': Namespace(''),
    'ensembl': Namespace(''),
    'ncbigene': Namespace(''),
    'uniprot': Namespace(''),
    'chebi': Namespace(''),
    'chemspider': Namespace(''),
    'pubchem': Namespace(''),
    'wikidata': Namespace(''),
    'hmdb': Namespace(''),

#: SPARQL query to get all the subtypes for a specific primary {type} (DataNode or Interaction) in a pathway network.
SELECT DISTINCT ?uri_id ?uri_type
   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?uri_id dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
   ?uri_id a wp:{rdf_type} .
   ?uri_id rdf:type ?uri_type .

#: SPARQL query to get all data nodes in a pathway network with some arguments.
    (STRAFTER(STR(?uri_type), str(wp:)) AS ?node_types)
    (?uri_id AS ?identifier)
    (?dc_identifier AS ?identifier)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ncbigene_uri), str(ncbigene:)) AS ?identifier)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?chebi_uri), str(chebi:)) AS ?identifier)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?hgnc_uri), str(hgnc:)) AS ?bdb_hgncsymbol)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ensembl_uri), str(ensembl:)) AS ?bdb_ensembl)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ncbigene_uri), str(ncbigene:)) AS ?bdb_ncbigene)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?uniprot_uri), str(uniprot:)) AS ?bdb_uniprot)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?chebi_uri), str(chebi:)) AS ?bdb_chebi)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?chemspider_uri), str(chemspider:)) AS ?bdb_chemspider)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?pubchem_uri), str(pubchem:)) AS ?bdb_pubchem)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?wikidata_uri), str(wikidata:)) AS ?bdb_wikidata)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?hmdb_uri), str(hmdb:)) AS ?bdb_hmdb)
   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?uri_id dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .

   ?uri_id a wp:DataNode .
   ?uri_id rdf:type ?uri_type .

   optional {?uri_id dcterms:identifier ?dc_identifier .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbHgncSymbol ?hgnc_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensembl_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbEntrezGene ?ncbigene_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbUniprot ?uniprot_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbChEBI ?chebi_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbChemspider ?chemspider_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbPubChem ?pubchem_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata_uri .}
   optional {?uri_id wp:bdbHmdb ?hmdba_uri .}

   ?uri_id rdfs:label ?name .

#: SPARQL query to get all data nodes in a pathway network with some arguments.
    (STRAFTER(STR(?uri_type), str(wp:)) AS ?node_types)
    (?participants_entry AS ?participants)
    (?participants_id AS ?participants)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ncbigene_participants), str(ncbigene:)) AS ?participants)
   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?uri_id dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
   ?uri_id a wp:Complex .
   ?uri_id rdf:type ?uri_type .
   ?uri_id wp:participants ?participants_entry .
   optional {?participants_entry dcterms:identifier ?participants_id .}
   optional {?participants_entry wp:bdbEntrezGene ?ncbigene_participants .}

# TODO: Check interaction complexes.
#: SPARQL query to get all directed interactions in a pathway network with source and target.
    (?source_entry AS ?source)
    (?dc_source AS ?source)
    (?target_entry AS ?target)
    (?dc_target AS ?target)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?uri_id), "/Interaction/") AS ?identifier)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?uri_type), str(wp:)) AS ?interaction_types)
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ncbigene_source), str(ncbigene:)) AS ?source )
    (STRAFTER(STR(?ncbigene_target), str(ncbigene:)) AS ?target )
   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?uri_id dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
   ?uri_id a wp:DirectedInteraction .
   ?uri_id rdf:type ?uri_type .
   ?uri_id wp:source ?source_entry .
   ?uri_id wp:target ?target_entry .
   optional {?source_entry dcterms:identifier ?dc_source .}
   optional {?target_entry dcterms:identifier ?dc_target .}
   optional {?source_entry wp:bdbEntrezGene ?ncbigene_source .}
   optional {?target_entry wp:bdbEntrezGene ?ncbigene_target .}

#: SPARQL query to get all interactions in a pathway network.
SELECT DISTINCT ?title ?identifier ?description ?pathway_id
    ?pathway_id a wp:Pathway .
    ?pathway_id dc:title ?title .
    ?pathway_id dcterms:description ?description .
    ?pathway_id dcterms:identifier ?identifier .

"""Queries managers"""

def _get_pathway_metadata(rdf_graph: rdflib.Graph) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
    """Get information from a pathway network.

    :param rdf_graph: RDF graph object
    :returns: Metadata of a pathway as a dictionary, if empty 'unknown' will be assigned by default
    return query_result_to_dict(
        rdf_graph.query(GET_PATHWAY_INFO_SPARQL, initNs=PREFIXES),
        attr_empty=['title', 'identifier', 'description', 'pathway_id'],

def _get_nodes(rdf_graph: rdflib.Graph) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
    """Get all nodes from a RDF pathway network.

    :param rdf_graph: RDF graph object
    :returns: Nodes dict with nodes ids as keys and their metadata as values
    return query_result_to_dict(
        rdf_graph.query(GET_ALL_DATA_NODES_SPARQL, initNs=PREFIXES),

def _get_complexes(rdf_graph: rdflib.Graph) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
    """Get all complexes from a pathway RDF network.

    :param rdf_graph: RDF graph object
    :returns: Nodes dict with nodes ids as keys and their metadata as values
    return query_result_to_dict(
        rdf_graph.query(GET_ALL_COMPLEXES_SPARQL, initNs=PREFIXES)

def _get_interactions(rdf_graph: rdflib.Graph) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
    """Get all interactions from a RDF pathway network.

    :param rdf_graph: RDF graph object
    :returns: Interactions as a list of dictionaries, where the participants are in an entry and the interaction metadata in other
    return query_result_to_dict(
        directed_interaction=('source', 'target')

def _get_pathway_components(graph) -> Tuple[
        Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]]:
    """Get all components in data structures from a RDF pathway network.

    :param graph: RDF graph object
    :returns: Returns at once the retrievals of each component type (nodes, complexes, interactions) functions.
    return _get_nodes(graph), _get_complexes(graph), _get_interactions(graph)

"""Statistics functions"""

[docs]def get_wp_statistics(resource_files, resource_folder, hgnc_manager) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]: """Load WikiPathways RDF to BELGraph. :param iter[str] resource_files: RDF file path :param str resource_folder: RDF file path """ global_statistics = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) all_pathways_statistics = {} for rdf_file in tqdm.tqdm(resource_files, desc='Parsing WikiPathways'): # Parse pathway rdf_file pathway_path = os.path.join(resource_folder, rdf_file) rdf_graph = parse_rdf(pathway_path, format='turtle') pathway_metadata = _get_pathway_metadata(rdf_graph) nodes, complexes, interactions = _get_pathway_components(rdf_graph) bel_graph = convert_to_bel(nodes, complexes, interactions, pathway_metadata, hgnc_manager) nodes.update(complexes) nodes_types = [ node['node_types'] for node in nodes.values() ] edges_types = [ interaction['interaction_types'] for interaction in interactions ] global_statistics, all_pathways_statistics = get_pathway_statitics( nodes_types, edges_types, bel_graph, global_statistics=global_statistics, all_pathways_statistics=all_pathways_statistics ) return global_statistics, all_pathways_statistics
"""Conversion functions"""
[docs]def rdf_wikipathways_to_bel(rdf_graph: rdflib.Graph, hgnc_manager) -> BELGraph: """Convert RDF graph to BELGraph. :param rdf_graph: RDF graph :param bio2bel_hgnc.Manager: HGNC manager """ nodes, complexes, interactions = _get_pathway_components(rdf_graph) metadata = _get_pathway_metadata(rdf_graph) return convert_to_bel(nodes, complexes, interactions, metadata, hgnc_manager)
[docs]def wikipathways_to_bel(file_path: str, hgnc_manager): """Convert WikiPathways RDF file to BEL. :param str file_path: path to the file :param bio2bel_hgnc.Manager: HGNC manager :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ rdf_graph = parse_rdf(file_path, format='turtle') return rdf_wikipathways_to_bel(rdf_graph, hgnc_manager)
[docs]def wikipathways_to_pickles( resource_files: Iterable[str], resource_folder: str, hgnc_manager: bio2bel_hgnc.Manager, export_folder: str, ) -> None: """Export WikiPathways to Pickles. :param resource_files: iterator with file names :param resource_folder: path folder :param hgnc_manager: HGNC manager :param export_folder: export folder """ for rdf_file in tqdm.tqdm(resource_files, desc=f'Exporting WikiPathways to BEL in {export_folder}'): pickle_path = os.path.join(export_folder, '{}.pickle'.format(rdf_file.strip('.ttl'))) # Skip if BEL file already exists # TODO: Remove pathway from blacklist if os.path.exists(pickle_path) or rdf_file in {'WP1772.ttl'}: continue # Parse pathway rdf_file and logger stats pathway_path = os.path.join(resource_folder, rdf_file) bel_graph = wikipathways_to_bel(pathway_path, hgnc_manager) debug_pathway_info(bel_graph, pathway_path) # Export BELGraph to pickle to_pickle(bel_graph, pickle_path)