Source code for pathme.reactome.convert_to_bel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the methods to convert a Reactome RDF network into a BELGraph."""

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from bio2bel_chebi import Manager as ChebiManager
from bio2bel_hgnc import Manager as HgncManager
from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.dsl import (BaseEntity, NamedComplexAbundance, abundance, activity, bioprocess, complex_abundance,
                       composite_abundance, gene, protein, reaction, rna)

from pathme.reactome.utils import get_valid_node_parameters, process_multiple_proteins
from pathme.utils import add_bel_metadata, parse_id_uri

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]def convert_to_bel(nodes: Dict[str, Dict], interactions: List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]], pathway_info: Dict, hgnc_manager: HgncManager, chebi_manager: ChebiManager) -> BELGraph: """Convert RDF graph dictionary into BEL graph.""" uri_id = pathway_info['uri_reactome_id'] if uri_id != UNKNOWN: _, _, namespace, identifier = parse_id_uri(uri_id) else: identifier = UNKNOWN description = pathway_info['comment'] if isinstance(description, (set, list)): description = '\n'.join(description) """Convert graph-like dictionaries to BELGraph.""" graph = BELGraph( name=pathway_info['display_name'], version='1.0.0', description=description, authors="Josep Marín-Llaó, Daniel Domingo-Fernández & Sarah Mubeen", contact='', ) add_bel_metadata(graph) graph.graph['pathway_id'] = identifier nodes = nodes_to_bel(nodes, graph, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) for interaction in interactions: participants = interaction['participants'] interaction_metadata = interaction['metadata'] add_edges(graph, participants, nodes, interaction_metadata) return graph
def nodes_to_bel(nodes: Dict[str, Dict], graph: BELGraph, hgnc_manager: HgncManager, chebi_manager: ChebiManager) -> \ Dict[str, BaseEntity]: """Convert dictionary values to BEL nodes.""" return { node_id: node_to_bel(node_att, graph, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) for node_id, node_att in nodes.items() } def node_to_bel(node: Dict, graph, hgnc_manager: HgncManager, chebi_manager: ChebiManager) -> BaseEntity: """Convert node dictionary to BEL node object.""" node_types = node['entity_type'] identifier, name, namespace = get_valid_node_parameters(node, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) members = set() if namespace == 'hgnc_multiple_entry': return composite_abundance(process_multiple_proteins(identifier)) elif 'Protein' in node_types: return protein(namespace=namespace.upper(), name=name, identifier=identifier) elif 'Dna' in node_types: return gene(namespace=namespace.upper(), name=name, identifier=identifier) elif 'Rna' in node_types: return rna(namespace=namespace.upper(), name=name, identifier=identifier) elif 'SmallMolecule' in node_types: return abundance(namespace=namespace.upper(), name=name, identifier=identifier) elif 'PhysicalEntity' in node_types: return abundance(namespace=namespace.upper(), name=name, identifier=identifier) elif 'Complex' in node_types: complex_components = node.get('complex_components') if complex_components: for component in complex_components: bel_node = node_to_bel(component, graph, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) members.add(bel_node) if members: return complex_abundance( name=node.get('display_name'), members=members, identifier=identifier, namespace=namespace.upper() ) else: return NamedComplexAbundance( name=node.get('display_name'), identifier=identifier, namespace=namespace.upper() ) elif 'Pathway' in node_types: bioprocess_node = bioprocess(identifier=identifier, name=name, namespace=namespace.upper()) graph.add_node_from_data(bioprocess_node) return bioprocess_node else: log.warning('Entity type not recognized', node_types) def add_edges(graph: BELGraph, participants, nodes, att: Dict): """Add edges into the graph.""" edge_types = att['interaction_type'] if isinstance(participants, dict): reactants = { nodes[source_id] for source_id in participants['reactants'] } products = { nodes[product_id] for product_id in participants['products'] } reaction_node = reaction(reactants=reactants, products=products) graph.add_node_from_data(reaction_node) elif isinstance(participants, tuple): u = nodes[participants[0]] v = nodes[participants[1]] add_simple_edge(graph, u, v, edge_types) def add_simple_edge(graph: BELGraph, u, v, edge_types): """Add a simple edge into the graph.""" if 'ACTIVATION' in edge_types: graph.add_increases( u, v, citation=REACTOME_CITATION, evidence='Extracted from Reactome', object_modifier=activity() if isinstance(v, ACTIVITY_ALLOWED_MODIFIERS) else None, annotations={}, ) elif 'INHIBITION' in edge_types: graph.add_decreases( u, v, citation=REACTOME_CITATION, evidence='Extracted from Reactome', object_modifier=activity() if isinstance(v, ACTIVITY_ALLOWED_MODIFIERS) else None, annotations={}, ) else: log.warning('edge type %s', edge_types)