Source code for pathme.kegg.kegg_xml_parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains functions to parse KGML files."""

import itertools as itt
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse

import requests
from bio2bel_kegg.constants import API_KEGG_GET
from bio2bel_kegg.parsers.description import parse_description

from pathme.wikipathways.utils import merge_two_dicts

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Import XML"""

[docs]def import_xml_etree(filename): """Return XML tree from KGML file. :param str filename: path to KGML file :returns: XML Tree :rtype: xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree """ try: tree = parse(filename) except IOError as ioerr: print('File error: ' + str(ioerr)) return None return tree
"""KEGG Handling functions""" def _post_process_api_query(node_meta_data, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager): """Process API query. :param dict[str,str] node_meta_data: JSON retrieved from the API :param bio2bel_hgnc.Manager hgnc_manager: HGNC Manager :param bio2bel_chebi.Manager chebi_manager: ChEBI Manager :return: Standard identifiers for the protein/chemical :rtype: dict[str,str] """ node_dict = {} if 'DBLINKS' in node_meta_data: for resource, identifier in node_meta_data['DBLINKS']: if resource not in {HGNC, UNIPROT, CHEBI, PUBCHEM}: continue # Get protein identifiers if resource == HGNC: hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_hgnc_id(identifier) if not hgnc_entry: continue node_dict[HGNC] = identifier node_dict[HGNC_SYMBOL] = hgnc_entry.symbol elif resource == UNIPROT: hgnc_entry = hgnc_manager.get_gene_by_uniprot_id(identifier) if not hgnc_entry: continue hgnc_entry = hgnc_entry[0] # Use the first element queried hgnc_id = str(hgnc_entry.identifier) node_dict[HGNC] = hgnc_id if hgnc_entry.symbol: node_dict[HGNC_SYMBOL] = hgnc_entry.symbol else: node_dict[UNIPROT] = identifier # Get chemical identifiers else: node_dict[resource] = identifier if resource == CHEBI: # Split multiple identifiers and get their names for chebi_id in identifier.split(' '): chebi_entry = chebi_manager.get_chemical_by_chebi_id(chebi_id) # If the id is found in the database stick the name if chebi_entry: node_dict[CHEBI_NAME] = # Else use the default name by KEGG to ensure the name makes it into the graph elif "ENTRY_NAME" in node_meta_data: node_dict[CHEBI_NAME] = node_meta_data["ENTRY_NAME"] return node_dict def _process_kegg_api_get_entity(entity, type, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager): """Send a given entity to the KEGG API and process the results. :param str entity: A KEGG identifier :param str type: Entity type :param bio2bel_hgnc.Manager hgnc_manager: HGNC Manager :param bio2bel_chebi.Manager chebi_manager: ChEBI Manager :return: JSON retrieved from the API :rtype: dict[str,str] """ _entity_filepath = os.path.join(KEGG_CACHE, '{}.json'.format(entity)) if os.path.exists(_entity_filepath): with open(_entity_filepath) as f: return json.load(f) kegg_url = API_KEGG_GET.format(entity) node_meta_data = parse_description(requests.get(kegg_url)) node_dict = _post_process_api_query(node_meta_data, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) node_dict[KEGG_ID] = entity node_dict[KEGG_TYPE] = type with open(_entity_filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(node_dict, f) return node_dict
[docs]def get_entity_nodes(tree, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager): """Find entry elements (KEGG pathway nodes) in XML. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree tree: XML tree :param bio2bel_hgnc.Manager hgnc_manager: HGNC Manager :param bio2bel_chebi.Manager chebi_manager: ChEBI Manager :return: genes with corresponding metadata (entry_id: [kegg_id, HGNC, UniProt]) :return: compounds with corresponding metadata (entry_id: [compound_name, ChEBI]) :return: biological processes with corresponding metadata (entry_id: [kegg_id, map_name]) :return: orthologs with corresponding metadata (entry_id: [kegg_id, kegg_type]) :rtype: dict[str,str] """ entry_dict = defaultdict(list) compound_dict = defaultdict(list) map_dict = defaultdict(list) ortholog_dict = defaultdict(list) for entry in tree.findall("entry"): entry_id = entry.get("id") kegg_ids = entry.get("name") kegg_type = entry.get("type") if kegg_type.startswith('gene'): for kegg_id in kegg_ids.split(' '): # Query the API/Cache to fetch information about protein node_info = _process_kegg_api_get_entity(kegg_id, kegg_type, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) entry_dict[entry_id].append(node_info) elif kegg_type.startswith('compound'): for compound_id in kegg_ids.split(' '): compound_info = _process_kegg_api_get_entity(compound_id, kegg_type, hgnc_manager, chebi_manager) if compound_info: compound_dict[entry_id].append(compound_info) elif kegg_type.startswith('map'): map_info = {KEGG_ID: kegg_ids} for graphics in entry.iter('graphics'): map_name = graphics.get('name') map_info['map_name'] = map_name map_dict[entry_id].append(map_info) elif kegg_type.startswith('ortholog'): for ortholog_id in kegg_ids.split(' '): ortholog_info = { KEGG_ID: ortholog_id, KEGG_TYPE: kegg_type } ortholog_dict[entry_id].append(ortholog_info) # TODO: other, enzyme elif kegg_type.startswith('brite'): pass return entry_dict, compound_dict, map_dict, ortholog_dict
[docs]def get_complex_components(tree, genes_dict, flattened=False): """Get complex components to either construct complex or flatten relationships. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree tree: XML tree :param dict genes_dict: dictionary of all genes in pathway :param bool flattened: True to flatten all complex participants :return: dictionary of complex IDs and component IDs (complex_id: [component_ids]) :return: flattened dictionary of complex IDs and component metadata (complex_ids: [metadata_dict]) :rtype: dict[str,list] """ # Get IDs of complex components to construct complexes of protein composites (i.e. similar proteins). # or get dictionary of flattened lists of all proteins involved in complexes. component_info = defaultdict(list) complex_ids = defaultdict(list) complexes = defaultdict(list) all_components = [] flattened_complexes = defaultdict(list) for entry in (tree.findall("entry")): entry_id = entry.get("id") for component in entry.iter("component"): component_id = component.get("id") # Get complex IDs and each of their component IDs complex_ids[entry_id].append(component_id) # Get the IDs of all components participating in complexes if component_id not in all_components: all_components.append(component_id) # Get node info for each component for k, v in genes_dict.items(): for (component_id, node_info) in itt.product(all_components, v): if component_id == k: component_info[component_id].append(node_info) # Flatten lists of components in complexes if flattened: for k, v in complex_ids.items(): for comp_id in v: for comp_k, comp_v in component_info.items(): if comp_id == comp_k: complexes[k].append(comp_v) for k, v in complexes.items(): for component in v: for info in component: flattened_complexes[k].append(info) return complex_ids, flattened_complexes
[docs]def get_xml_types(tree): """Find entity and interaction types in KEGG XML. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree tree: XML tree :return: count of all entity, relation and reaction types present in XML :rtype: dict[str,int] """ entity_types_dict = defaultdict(int) interaction_types_dict = defaultdict(int) for entry in tree.findall('entry'): entry_type = entry.get('type') if entry_type.startswith('gene'): gene_ids = entry.get('name') for gene_id in gene_ids.split(' '): entity_types_dict['gene'] += 1 elif entry_type.startswith('ortholog'): ortholog_ids = entry.get('name') for ortholog_id in ortholog_ids.split(' '): entity_types_dict['ortholog'] += 1 elif entry_type.startswith('compound'): entity_types_dict['compound entity'] += 1 else: entity_types_dict[entry_type] += 1 for relation in tree.findall('relation'): for subtype in relation.iter('subtype'): relation_subtype = subtype.get('name') interaction_types_dict[relation_subtype] += 1 for reaction in tree.findall('reaction'): reaction_type = reaction.get('type') interaction_types_dict[reaction_type] += 1 entity_types_dict['entities'] = sum(entity_types_dict.values()) interaction_types_dict['interactions'] = sum(interaction_types_dict.values()) return merge_two_dicts(entity_types_dict, interaction_types_dict)
"""Get all interactions in KEGG pathways"""
[docs]def get_all_relationships(tree): """Find all relationships between 2 entities. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree tree: XML tree :return: relationships list [(relation_entry1, relation_entry2, relation_subtype)] :rtype: list[tuple] """ relations_list = [] for relation in tree.findall("relation"): subtype_list = [] relation_entry1 = relation.get("entry1") relation_entry2 = relation.get("entry2") relation_type = relation.get('type') for subtype in relation.iter('subtype'): relation_subtype = subtype.get("name") relation_value = subtype.get("value") subtype_list.append(relation_subtype) # TODO: assume association ?? if not relation_subtype: log.warning("No relation type declared") # Add protein-protein, protein-compound and transcription factor-target gene product interactions if relation_type in {'PPrel', 'PCrel', 'GErel'}: if relation_subtype == 'compound': relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_entry2, 'binding/association')) else: # Check if multiple relation subtypes present if len(subtype_list) == 1: relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_entry2, relation_subtype)) else: relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_entry2, subtype_list)) # Add enzyme-enzyme relations denoted as binding/association elif relation_type.startswith('ECrel'): relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_entry2, 'binding/association')) relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_value, 'binding/association')) relations_list.append((relation_value, relation_entry2, 'binding/association')) # Add interactions between a protein and a protein in another biological process elif relation_type.startswith('maplink'): relations_list.append((relation_entry1, relation_entry2, 'binding/association')) return relations_list
[docs]def get_all_reactions(tree, compounds_dict): """Get substrates and products with ChEBI or PubChem IDs participating in reactions. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree tree: XML tree :param dict compounds_dict: dictionary of KEGG compound information :return: dictionary with substrate ids (reaction_id: [substrate_ids]) :return: dictionary with product ids (reaction_id: [product_ids]) :rtype: dict[str,list] """ substrates_dict = defaultdict(list) products_dict = defaultdict(list) for reaction in tree.findall("reaction"): reaction_id = reaction.get("id") for k, v in compounds_dict.items(): for substrate in reaction.iter('substrate'): substrate_id = substrate.get("id") if substrate_id == k: substrates_dict[reaction_id].append(substrate_id) for product in reaction.iter('product'): product_id = product.get("id") if product_id == k: products_dict[reaction_id].append(product_id) return substrates_dict, products_dict
[docs]def get_reaction_pathway_edges(xml_tree, substrates_dict, products_dict): """Get reaction edges. :param xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree xml_tree: xml tree :param dict substrates_dict: dictionary with substrate info :param dict products_dict: dictionary with product info :return: dictionary of reaction elements (reaction_id: [(substrate_id, product_id, reaction_type)]) :rtype: dict[str,list] """ reactions_dict = defaultdict(list) for reaction in xml_tree.findall("reaction"): reaction_type = reaction.get("type") reaction_id = reaction.get("id") if substrates_dict[reaction_id]: reaction_substrates = substrates_dict[reaction_id] if products_dict[reaction_id]: reaction_products = products_dict[reaction_id] # Add edge from substrates to products with compound info reactions_dict[reaction_id].append((reaction_substrates, reaction_products, reaction_type)) # If reaction is reversible, flip the reaction order and add a new edge if reaction_type == "reversible": reactions_dict[reaction_id].append((reaction_products, reaction_substrates, reaction_type)) return reactions_dict